British Anti-Gas Cape (2013-02-24)
A superb reproduction in everyway. The quality and finish are excellent as usual for WPG kit.
Yes ok, it does have a smell to it, but nothing so terrible that i''d keep it outside though!
There is an art to wearing it correctly rolled up ready for use on top of the small pack.
Very pleased indeed, highly recommended.

Chris - GB
Feike, NL (2012-10-23)
a very good reproduction, nice details but the smell... the cape is still outside for a copple of days I think.

schie - NL
Excellent as per usual (2012-06-20)
Outstanding item, owned one before but sold it on, so got another one. Cant fault it at all, just the smell is god awful so out in the garden for a week :D

Andrew - England

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