Blanco Substitute (2009-03-02)
We have not received this shipment as yet, but have used the product in the past with great success. The appearance is "right".

Foust - US
MR (2009-01-25)
Good stuff! As good appearance as blanco.I bought 5 jars,so I think that I'll never run out.I would agree with previous comment on adding a dark green just to tone it down a tad.

B.Jones - UK
UK Blanco (Substitute) (2009-01-22)
Excellent substitute and and very easy to apply - looks great as is but if you need to tone it down to a darker NW Europe style KD3 I am told by others that have tried it that you can add a drop or two of very dark green acrylic to a jar and it does the business - another advantage is that it lasts a lot longer than the real blanco

Elliott - UK

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