I ordered this hat with a set of the repro French lizard uniform. It appears well made and goes well with the time period of the camo set.
Outstanding bush hat.
10 out of 10 for materials and workmanship.
Bill in Issaquah.
French Bush Hat
Best reproduction of the famous "Chapeau de Brusse" hands down. I own 8 original French Army bush hats from the Algerian-Indochina War. Place them side by side, can't tell the difference! Indistinguishable! Same color,weight, button, snap. Like the originals, these repros fit BIG! If you cant find a 60 a 58 should work . I ordered a 60 & its more than large enough! Best of all, it's tough & comfortable! I live in Florida (It's 95 outside, with 100% humidity as I write) so it's a superb hot weather hat. Can't beat the price either! Originals go from anywhere between $75-$100. Very, very, nice hat, & spot on clone of the original!