Fast Delivery (2023-12-13)
The jacket is a very smart addition to my wardrobe, and a better value than just about everything else in the category.

Jenner - US
SHOCKINGLY GOOD! (2023-12-06)
This story has two paets: There is the product. There is the delivery.

The product is WPG's G-1 flight jacket reproduction. I had one of these a long time ago, when I was younger and still had hair and a license to fly. I wore to the point that while I was looking in the wrong direction, the mater tossed it as too disreputable.. I loved that jacket, but couldn't really justify the not insiginifcant price of replacing it. Still, the WPG price merited the buy; as usual, the price was remarkably affordable (unlike the $500-$700 tags on other folks' G-1s).

And the jacket is just about spot-on. The zipper pull is a bit different; the knit cuffs and waistband are rather sturdier. Otherwise this is is my old friend in every particular I can remember but in my >present<size. The mouoton collare is soft. The goatskin leather is pliable. And so on down the list.

The second part of the story: Deliver. I placed this order Nov. 30. It was in my hands yesterday, Dec. 5. That's >scary<fast. Not unsusal performance for WPG, to be sure; the rest of the universe should be so on-it.

Do I need to say just how satisfied a WPG customer I am?

djenner - NY, USA
g-1 (2023-07-21)
Amazing Jacket. Good fit, well made. Fast shipping

mattimore - US

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