Seriously this shirt is PERFECT. Very high quality material but also very light, so it's good for hot weather. Like everything else at wpg, it's great! Fast shipping from wherever it came from.
Jacobus Piepus
Best Repro
Probably the best Rhodie reproduction. Camo pattern and colours are about as spot on as you can get. The cloth MIGHT be slightly lighter weight than originals but hard to tell. SHRINKAGE: Being 100% cotton it did shrink app. 1" in a cold wash & tumble dry low. So maybe order one size larger if you don't want to line dry your camo.
Looks Great Even on Me!
So I am not the svelte bush war soldier of lore. Still, the larger size fit well without looking roly-poly. Everything looks very professional and should last. Also thanks for helping me track down the shipment and break loose the 'log jam'.
Jacobus Piepus - US