The processing took a bit longer than I expected, but when the order was processed it took only four days before the beautiful helmet was delivered at my door step (another thing which I hadn''t expected, absolutely not when the shipping cost was only $22!). The helmet is in perfect condition, the liner smells a bit funny. It looks a lot better without the hessian cover, and since it''s a Brodie helmet it can be worn tilted and look even better. This classic helmet was definitely worth it''s price!
Gothenburg, Sweden
Worrld War 1 Helmet.
I am very pleased with the fast service. The Helmet is well made,although the liner seems to be a "cross" between an American M1917,and the British M1.(white string rather than brown being the main culprit),among other tiny details,but everything else seems fine,and you can't argue with the price!.
Andrew Good
British Brodie Pattern WW1 Helmet
Very good, it fits well and I was impressed by how quick it arrived with me too.
Bo - Gothenburg, Sweden