Forgot Password
Q: I have forgotten my password or user ID. What should I do?
A: Don't worry. You only need to know either your user ID or email address to reset your password. Please note that we don't automatically send existing passwords as these are encrypted for security reasons. The password reset link is valid for 12 hours only. If you don't use it in time, you'll need to request a new reset link. Remember to check your spam folders for the reset email.
Q: I can't remember my user ID. How can I reset my password?
A: Don't worry. Simply leave the user ID field empty in the forgot password window, enter only your email address, and click the reset button.
Q: How can I find out what my user ID is during the password reset process?
A: Your user ID will be displayed automatically when you reach the screen to set your new password. In most cases, your user ID is the same as your email address.