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Great RAF Battledress (2024-10-15)
Fantastic battledress! Great quality and color.

Dieckmann - US
Super (2016-01-13)
RAF BD received in good order and condition

Stordiau - BE
RAF battledress (2014-12-18)
Really à good product. Material and shape are top level

pascal - FR
raf blouse (2013-08-25)
Quick fast sevice as usual fits nicely albeit little long on ams

leahy  - GB
Battledress RAF (2013-05-26)
This is the 3rd RAF BD I haved orderd fromWPG. While the fit is perfect, the colour of the latest order is simply wrong. There is a reddish threat woven into the serge wool which, when blended with the blue, gives the jacket a purple look. This hue is very different from my previous WPG RAF battledress and so far off the originals, that it can''t be used.

John - Vancouver, Canada
RAF BD Jacket (2012-09-28)
Quite happy! Fits me bang on! And the wool is pretty light which I like (Can only compare to original Canadian army BD for weight of wool) so I am extremely pleased!

Connor - Canada
dressed for battle (2011-10-27)
Biutifull reproduction! Thanks!
Fast shipping as always.

Wallin - SE
Super (2011-06-24)
i receive my package at 4.00 pm 6.21.11
beautifull battledress in excellent condition
only one regret:without insignia and grade
great service, great store thank you for all Jerry

Maeder - CH
RAF Battledress Blouse (2011-02-18)
Hairy Mary indeed! I think this is a great reproduction. Fitted just about perfect around the chest.I'm having the sleeves shortened as they are 3inches too long, but overall a quality coat at a great price.

Jones - GB
UK RAF battledress (Jacket) (2011-02-04)
I love it even though the arms a little long!

Hansen - US
RAF Bunny jacket (2011-01-20)
Great product, really impressed and great service.

fletcher - South Africa
UK RAF battledress (Jacket) (2011-01-19)
Great RAF reproduction

Van - NL
RAF Battledress Jacket (2010-11-02)
Exchange for larger size was done quickly and without problems. I needed to order bigger size as they are cut small. Excellent product, sturdy, warm and durable, like the original. Color is great. Thanks!

Jordan - US
RAF Battledress Jacket (2010-08-10)
Great quality. Stunning repro. Good fit. Fantastic service and delivery. Thanks again Jerry!

Ketchin - GB
Fantastic! (2009-10-28)

I received the RAF Battledress Jacket quickly and efficiently. The look and fit are absolutely fine! Your prices and quality are the best, and I shall certainly be back again _very_ soon! Thanks again for the prompt and courteous service! Cheers!

John - San Bruno, CA
RAF Jacket (2009-10-06)
The quality was great, the service fast. Cant wait to wear it.

Lutzic - US
battledress RAF (2009-07-09)
As usual, perfect service and quality.
Thanks Jerry, untill the next time

german - ES
BD Jacket (2009-07-06)
Great fit, great quality.

McGregor - US
Cpl (2009-06-17)
Wow, what quality! Very fast shipping.

Fleming - CA
RAF Battledress (2009-06-06)
I just receive the RAF battledress...simply great!!! really a 52 size, and nice copy.

The service as usual, the fastest I know. Just five days from the payment was done to receive it at home Bilbao, Spain.

Thanks, Jerry!!

chasco - ES
RAF Battledress Jacket (2009-05-21)
Shipped smoothly and very-very quickly. Outstanding service Jerry, thank you! The jacket is as heavy and strudy as the original ones. It indeed very short - maybe it would be good to make it just few inches longer to make it a bit more comfortable.

RL - Hu
Battledress Jacket (2009-05-05)
Great quality! Had a sizing problem, and WPG made exchanging hassle-free! Many thanks!

McGregor - US
RAF battle dress jacket (2009-03-14)
Very slow response time initially, but
everything turned out okay.

Kentera - US
RAF Jacket (2009-02-13)
Worked perfect for my project! Looks great! Mine went on a display mannaquin if you plan on wearing it you need to order bigger size they are cut small. Excellent product, color is great. Thanks WPG!

Bury - US
RAF BD Jacket (2009-01-18)
Shipped fast. Great price! Jacket is so nice, I bought another for an officer's impression.

Appleby - US
outstanding service (2008-12-26)
The battledress arrived in very short time and was picked up on Xmas Eve. I
am more than happy with the item and the outstanding service. The fit was
bang on as was the workmanship. It has been a pleasure dealing with you,
your company and staff. The follow up on the order from day one was again
above and beyond. You come very highly recommended from friends and they
indeed were on the mark.So thank you so much for the time and effort that
both you and your staff have put into your outstanding customer service.
All the best.

Don Thomas - Canada
RAF battledress (2008-12-20)
Congratulations!! Excellent reproduction of RAF battledress. It´s quite short, just the original ones and made of thick serge wool. Very recommended item from this great store.

Joseba - Spain
My Favorite (2008-05-05)
This RAF Battlejacket goes great with wool kilts too. Outfited mine with insignia to honor my father''s RAF service as a Flying Sergeant in War II. Very well made and sharp looking.

Ron - Page/Lake Powell, Arizona, USA
A Excellent Reproduction (2008-02-29)
This is an excellent reproduction and is much sturdier than other reproductions out there that claim to be made of Serge wool. Highly recommended! A tip: By design, these are very short in the body. If you want to wear it regularly, I recommend getting an L (Long) version and having the sleeves shortened by a professional tailor (about $20).

Dave - United States
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